What Does Becoming A Nurse Mean To You Essay

Children get injured or sick every day, and it doesn’t matter whether the child goes to a doctor or a pediatrician they are still tended to by a pediatric nurse. A pediatric nurse has to have many qualities. They also have to take many different classes. A pediatric nurse’s pay can vary from location to location depending on where they are working.

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Becoming a nurse is a goal that I want to achieve in the future. Nursing is a great profession that will enable me to show compassion to people; it is a rewarding job; also, it makes me aware of my own health and my family’s health.?I want to become a nurse because I love to show compassion to people. Undertaking nursing education is part of becoming a professional. Learning about anatomy and physiology, pharmacology, reflective practice and clinical skills within the placement area and within the university setting is part of the journey. For me – walking into my first ward in my student nurse uniform was a big step in becoming a professional. As soon as you put on that uniform you. To me, health transcends the absence of disease to include the physical, psychological and social well-being of a person; it means the empowerment of the individual, and is the foundation of a fulfilling life; it also means caring about the people who care about you and whom you care about. Argumentative essay same marriage for.

What Does Becoming A Nurse Mean To You Essay

What Does Becoming A Nurse Mean To You Essay

Pediatric nurses must endure many different things to make it into this particular work field, and have many different qualities. Pediatric nurses do a lot of the same tasks as a regular nurse. They draw blood, check vital signs, can perform physical examinations, and order diagnostic tests. However, the job of a pediatric nurse goes beyond regular nurses. They must have a caring relationship not only with the patient they are tending to, but also the patient’s family.

What Does Becoming A Nurse Mean To You

Parents usually prefer a pediatric nurse over a regular nurse due to the caring relationship they carry. This is well known by the nurses as the caring process. During this process the nurse must help the child and the child’s family step by step with anything they may need at the time. The pediatric nurse provides support, care, and information on how to prevent future problems. Pediatric nursing can be defined as “the practice of nursing with children, youth, and their families across the health continuum, including health promotion, illness management, and health restoration' (Barnsteiner et al). . Therefore, you can see from that statement alone there is more than one job to be done by a pediatric nurse.

Why Be A Nurse Essay

A pediatric nurse can see anywhere from 80 to 100 children a day. They take appointments, walk-ins, and sometimes make home visits. Only when the pediatric nurse finds an abnormality will they refer and send the child t. Middle of paper.e it into this particular work field, and have many different qualities. Works Cited Barnsteiner, Jane, Virginia Richardson, Janet Wyatt.