What Does It Mean To Be A Patriot Essay

Patriot is one who loves and serves his own country as a loyal citizen. He is called a true patriot who loves his coun­try and is ready to sacrifice his all for her cause, and whole­heartedly works for the welfare of his motherland.


The land, on which one is born and brought up and lives, is naturally dear to him than any other land. This love for his birthplace grows into patriotism. If his motherland is attacked by the enemies, he does not hesitate to fight for the protection of freedom of his native land. . He can do any thing to glorify his country. He feels proud of his country.

What Does Patriotism Means to Me Essay. What Does Patriotism Means to Me Patriotism to me is when we devote our. The flag and the Pledge of Allegiance is what most remind me of being a patriot. On the flag white signifies purity and innocence. Red is for hardness and valor. The color blue is for vigilance, perseverance and justice.

What Does It Mean To Be A Patriot Essay

This patriotic feeling can be found in many great heroes in history. In India, we know many patriots who suffered inhuman distress at the hands of the foreign rulers, because they loved their country, and wanted to make her free from the shackles of the foreign rule. They were imprisoned, publicly flogged and had undergone inhuman torture for their undying patrio­tism. Still they did not step down, even at the cost of their life. They carried on their struggle for freedom for many years.