Thesis Statement For Argumentative Essay List

Writing an outline is like developing a plan: the more time you spend on it, the easier it will be to build the house according to it. By developing an excellent plan, you eliminate numerous risks and prevent possible errors. So, why not do it? We can think of only two reasons students do not create outlines before writing the piece itself. First, they might not realize what a treasure it is.

It was highlighted that the number of same sex couples increased from 594,391 to 776,943 from the year 2001 to 2005 (Romero et al 2007). Owing to these increases in the number of homosexuals in the country, there have been many legal fights which have been carried out by these groups. These disagreements and debates have led to the questioning with regard to the fact that whether same sex marriages should be allowed or should they be marked as being illegal. The number of homosexuals in the United States has been increasing and this was clearly concluded with the assistance of the statistics provided by surveys conducted by the William’s Institute. Persuasive essay same sex marriage. Following the year 1990, many uprisings and legal proceedings were initiated by gays for the provision of legality for their marriages.

For example, if your thesis statement subjectively states that there were not that many soldiers killed during the WWII, this fact can be easily refuted by the official statistical data. And if you say that the WWII was the most disastrous war of all, it is a debatable topic. For an argumentative essay, which is an essay in which you attempt to convince someone of an argument or position, your thesis statement should outline your position and the major points you will. If you’re new to writing argumentative essays, there are a few key factors that you can learn that can help you write a better argumentative essay. Argumentative essays are where you try and convince your reader to take a specific stance on a topic. This can range from politics, debates, news, and many other topics. Thesis Statement Examples. A thesis statement expresses the main point or argument of an essay. Examples of a thesis statement are typically in the format 'A is B because C', such as 'Racism [A] is immoral [B] because it is against human equality [C]'.

They can view it as a daunting task, one of the many other assignments their teachers assign to them. In this case, they simply have no idea what they are talking about. The other reasons why they do not write outlines before writing the article itself is because they do not know where to start. They understand all the benefits an outline can bring them. However, they do not know where to start working on it, what components to include in it, and how detailed this plan should be.

In this article, we will prove that creating an outline is essential and show practical ways to write them in the shortest terms possible. But first things first: let’s start with a definition.

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What is an argumentative essay? Is one of the many academic essay types. Its main point is in using strong arguments to prove and support your opinion as well as refute the position of your opponents. While this might sound quite easy for people good at confrontation, most of us dread the idea of arguing with someone. That is why if you are not really good at this in real life, learning how to write such essays can be your lucky ticket: it helps you develop essential skills to sound reasoning as well as find ways to back up your opinion in the best way possible. As you probably guessed from the title, you have to be persuasive when composing this piece of writing. Therefore, one has to choose proper words and phrases.

Help the readers see your confidence and believe you. And being persuasive is a way to do it. Besides, remember that the key to a successful argumentative essay is in finding proper evidence to support your opinion. That is why get ready to invest time and effort into in-depth research. The more time you dig through information looking for pieces that fit you the most, the higher your chances are to impress and convince the target audience. Now that we are on the same page about the definition and basics of the development of an argumentative essay, let’s learn how to write an argumentative essay outline. Our essay writing service is tailored to fit your budget.

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How to write an argumentative essay outline The outline for this type of essay usually consists of four main points. • An introductory paragraph introducing the reader to the problem. • Main body paragraphs that provide arguments to support your opinion. • Several sections used to show the weaknesses of the opposing claims. • A conclusion that summarizes the main points and calls to take measures.

Only four points to remember. We are sure this will make your life easier, won’t it? Just save these points and read on to see what each one of them should consist of to have the desired impact on the target audience. An introduction to an outline for an argumentative essay This is where readers start their journey with you. From the very first sentence, they get to understand whether they want to continue reading your piece, or they want to drop the whole idea altogether. To prevent them from leaving, we recommend you sticking to our plan.

Use these three components to make your writing interesting and consistent, and see how they can do wonder to the impact of your piece. • Start with a hook.

A hook, as you can understand from its title, is a piece of content that aims to grab the audience’s attention. It should not be long. Just one sentence is enough. However, it has to be catchy. Scholars state that several things can be used as hooks in your introduction: funny stories, controversial statements, intriguing questions, or statistical data. You have to begin your essay with either one of these things. • Develop your thoughts.

Later, you need to develop your hook. Explain to your audience your choice of the subject, why it is important, and how you talking about it can make a difference. This part should not be longer than a couple of sentences. • Create a thesis statement.

Thesis For Argumentative Essay Generator

Finally, you have to state a loud and clear thesis statement which you will support with solid arguments in the text. It should depict your position and explain why you find this topic essential. As long as you follow our advice, you will be able to write an excellent introduction.

Now, let’s explain how you can write main body paragraphs. Presenting the argument: Main body paragraphs Bear in mind several schemes for your main body paragraphs: • You can separate paragraphs presenting your arguments supporting the thesis statement and sections refuting the opponents’ claims. This way you will need to work both ways, backing up your position with several pieces of evidence and showing the weakness of opponents’ beliefs. • Alternatively, you can go from the opposite and use one paragraph to refute one popular claim. Thus, you can make a clear statement and bring your opponents on the heels in just a few sections. The choice is all yours.


Sample Thesis Statement For Argumentative Essay

We have no convictions that one way is better than the other. Just opt for what you are most comfortable with. A conclusion of an argumentative essay outline The main point of a conclusion is to remind the readers of the reasons why you chose to talk about a topic in question, restate your arguments that support the position you stick to, and call them to action.

Thesis Statement For Argumentative Research Paper

More often than not, readers remember only this part of your essay no matter how much thought and effort you invested into your piece. So, it is better to make it outstanding and nothing short of perfect so that the audience agrees with you in the long run. By now you are probably willing to see an excellent argumentative essay outline template. And as we promised in the beginning, here it is. You can save it to use when writing an argumentative essay outline the next time. An argumentative essay outline template • Introduction: A hook: Start with a vivid picture, an intriguing questions, statistical data, or an anecdote. Mention your reasons to choose this topic.