Women Empowerment Essays For Sale Zanesville

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And we respond to it. We are hungry to be the centers of our own lives. We’re hungry to feel good. We’re starving for leisure and resources. The intersections between Female + Lifestyle + Empowerment reinforce the notion that this is how you change and escape your conditions and achieve empowerment as a woman. You conform to the mandates of ideal femininity, live the mandates of ideal femininity, and you cultivate authority over other less privileged women (and other women only), in order to access those resources — and those resources must be extracted from other women. The segregated gendered spheres of privilege-based authority and faux-empowerment we’re creating and participating in leave the existing power and financial structures – the ones we have to comply with, retreat from, and circumvent – intact.

(As Ruth Whippman writes in, “You can safely assume that if an activity is described as “empowering,” no one in any actual position of authority will be going anywhere near it.”) The fact that we need these women’s spaces and that they are some of the only places women can rise and lead reveals our cultural limits and cement ceilings. – and sometimes they are – but for the most past, our most famous and well-compensated female icons and leaders activate our pre-political urge for power and well-being but, instead of acknowledging that this is a collective experience that we can change en-masse, they keep the conversation fixed on the individual – which prevents that pre-political urge from becoming a political articulation – and teach us to point the gun back on ourselves. Our overwhelming responses to the prospect of empowerment – it’s the golden carrot – reveals that despite the presence of our star-powered exceptions, the basic condition of women in our culture is marginalization and subservience. After a hundred years of feminism, so many of us are – most of us?! – are still adjuncts accessories and helpmates in all the spheres of our lives and culture. At least in part it’s because the collective expectation about womanhood in our culture obliges us to perform endless rounds of emotional and change-thyself labour — which of course does not feel good and does not allow us to be the centers of our own loves. We’re exhausted.

The dangling carrot of commercial empowerment reveals how disempowered we truly are as a collective. The fact that lifestyle marketers, brands, advertising agencies and even have realized that empowerment is a lucrative prospect and narrative reveals how powerful that pre-political urge of ours is. We want to be more powerful and well and whole. If empowerment was the norm, it would be invisible. We wouldn’t even have a word for it or be talking about it or be compelled to buy into it or perform it. And so, in order to switch positions and activate all of this for ourselves – Female + Lifestyle + Empowerment – we intuitively opt into a personal branding process.

The fourth pillar of The Female Lifestyle Empowerment Brand and its industries (which includes our ceaseless labour and consumption) is BRAND. In order to exhibit the characteristics of ideal femininity and perform the ideal woman, in order to get the trophies associated with lifestyle authority and therefore cultivate the authority for yourself over other women, in order to live in a state of empowerment that is individual exceptionalism, women have to put themselves through a female branding process. Women have to become brands. In fact the very notion of “woman” is a brand. These days even women who are not business or public entities have to present themselves as brands.

We have to control our representation and construct and perform a particular version of ourselves that complies with social norms (or, better yet, exceeds them) in order to access the basics of life or succeed. Whenever we are deliberately trying to control the way we are perceived and engineer a particular impression in order to access resources – attention, respect, money – we are creating a personal brand. We tell the story of the woman we are and want to be and are required to be in our facebook feeds – and even women who do not have businesses have to present themselves as a brand. Good mommy. Good wife. Skinny woman. Career Woman. Balanced woman. High-achieving Woman.

Pinteresting Woman. Spiritual Woman. Happy Woman. Woman who has it all. We assume a character and select the highlight reels to display. Women and girls have been trained to become a particular brand in order to be successful or even acceptable. We must be the perfect woman. We must be small, we must be pretty, we must be charming, we must be, we must be white, we must be heterosexual. If we aren’t, it will be hard to get the resources we need. The female branding process means we intuitively comply with the mandates of the perfect woman – Female – plus we consume copious amounts of service material training us to comply.

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We train ourselves and other women to find themselves in mirrors and scales and the eyes of other people. We look at ourselves through their eyes by comparing that ourselves against the cultural prescription for The Perfect Woman. Then, in order to get the resources we need to survive and thrive, we make the necessary and sometimes bloody adjustments.

We work on ourselves, always. FEMALE is the archetype women must replicate and embody in order to be deserving of resources and rights. LIFESTYLE is the way some women leverage white privilege and social status to create authority over other women. EMPOWERMENT is the pop-culture, mainstream and deceptive conflation of individual success and wealth with collective liberation. BRAND is the process of intuitive, strategic and mandatory self-modification — curating one’s very presence — in order to garner resources including attention and affection.

Women Empowerment Essays For Sale Zanesville

And all of that, together, is pretty much the state of the union. That is The Female Lifestyle Empowerment Brand. We are constructing, complying, exceeding and leveraging the social conditions of oppression in order to create a select few individual exceptions. We leave the existing system and colonized cultural imagination intact and call that personal liberation. And no thank you. I’m writing a book about The Female Lifestyle Empowerment Brand and every Sunday I send a newsletter working through itif you’d like to stay in the loop, (and thank you!). Here’s a list of some of my essays about The Female Lifestyle Empowerment Brand: • This is my first essay on FLEB (Jan 2016). It sketched out the rough pattern I’m observing in the media and presentation of significant personal online brands founded by women.


•. A Rather Long Note on the Cultural Context of FLEB. • • • • • • • • • • ONE MORE THING: If you’ve read all this, and you’re a media-making entrepreneur thinking, shit, now what? You’re not alone. I’m wrestling with this too and so are lots of other feminist and socially conscious business owners. Argumentative essay same sex marriage for. To that end, I’ve got some free feminist marketing tips that might help with reshaping your marketing and media so that it does not perpetuate FLEB.

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