Does Immigration Contribute To A Better America Essay

Free Essays on How Does Immigration Contribute To a Better America. Get help with your writing. 1 through 30. Immigration does contribute to an America that is better. One of the essences of America is that it is the land of second chances. It is the refuge of those who have been ostracized and alienated.

Does Immigration Contribute To A Better America Essay

The action of coming to live in a foreign country sounds like what makes up our amazing welcoming country of the United States of America. The United States is also referred to as the “salad bowl”. According to the Salad Bowl Theory, there are times when newly arrived immigrants do not lose the unique aspects of their cultures like in the melting pot model. Instead, they retain them.

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Does immigration contribute to a better america

The unique characteristics of each culture are still identifiable within the larger American society, much like the ingredients in a salad are still identifiable; yet, contribute to the overall make up of the salad bowl. Do Not Waste Your Time Without immigration, the USA would not be the same place it is today. This country was built and molded on immigration; rather it be voluntary or forced. When foreigners immigrate to the USA, it’s usually solely to make a better life for their family. Lastly, many complain that immigrants come over to the USA and take “our” jobs, but that is not true at all. Immigrants almost all the time take jobs that Americans don not want. Colonists immigrated to the United States voluntarily; they helped mold this country to be what it is today.

Does Immigration Contribute To A Better America

Colonists put laws and rules into play to create the law and political system we have today. Slaves were brought to this country forcefully, but have had equally if not more of the same impacts as colonists have. Slaves economically molded this country. They did all of the work while their owners took the credit. Most states, especially southern states, have slave foundations, meaning slaves built that state.

Does Immigration Contribute To A Better America Essay

Slaves built the White House, where are president and his family resides. One of if not the most important building in our country was built by slaves. When slaves were brought to America it was not looked at as immigration, but an economic investment. That is extremely inhumane; but,why was not it looked at as immigration. Americans are quick to say immigrants are bad for our country, but as soon as immigrants are looked at as beneficial, somehow all of those views are suddenly brushed under the rug or the furthest from our minds. Speaking about today or even tracing back to early immigration, immigrants have always been poor and want nothing but a better life for their family.